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    The work’s content spans a broad spectrum, from cynical self indulgence to whimsical inventions of escapism. From scratchy ink lines and stains on paper, to haphazard paint drips and questionable compositions on a variety of arbitrary surfaces. These works are completed through mind-numbing tedium and varying levels of intention. The artwork is an outlet for personal neurosis, and through the creation process, becomes self expression or even art. 


The artwork is inspired by a fascination in the world and all it’s absurd beauty and hypocritical demeanor. It draws from the macabre nature of our reality and regurgitates it through a fantastical yet acrimonious lens. The images combine the visually pleasing with contextual deviance; drawing the viewer in with composition and color while simultaneously displaying a bewildering, and sometimes disturbing, choice of subject.

    The artwork is a labor of love, but the kind of love that feeds on disfunction. Always attempting to up the ante at the behest of devastating failure. It’s an endeavor of utter stupidity and inflated ego under the guise of getting deeper into new visual and contextual depths; much like swan diving into a kiddie pool after thinking about it for weeks. Though the process can feel futile, it pays off about as often as Halley’s Comet appears in the sky. Through determination and pure hubris, I try to make artwork that grabs the viewer’s attention and that can reveal new details at a 2nd or even 3rd glance; attempting to make a static object as dynamic as possible.

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